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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Beget me knot…

I once was a queen in another land, another place, another world – another time. All was so different from what it is now – on this planet, in this time, and in this world. So very different.

I remember that our dynasty stretched generations as far as you could “see”. Way, way back we could see the end of the world, or was it the beginning? Either way, it was our profound belief that when you arrived there, you would surely fall down the waterfall of life and so would begin another journey into another soul, another spirit – another being.

The generations of our lineage, began with a line up of women – so it is that I re-member. Our women were the Shamans of the world – the healers, the “seers” who seemed to “know all”. For many, many generations did these women live – so much so that each one lived in the previous one’s name, and, it was said – likeness. For years and years, this kingdom was ruled by the women – the Great women who were constantly the women behind the Great men of their time. The men of knowledge, the wise, the elders, the acknowledged “Fathers of Time itself”

It so happened that one of these men, mated with one of the Shaman mothers and they, together, produced a single male heir to their throne. This young boy had a happy boyhood, groomed and nurtured into the throne, with a single aspiration to become a great sea captain. His name was Alexander. Thus began the realm and great dynasty of the Alexanders!

From him, became the lineage of the great sea bearers, the great sea captains – the men of strength, power and wisdom and knowledge. The dynasty of Alexander continued on and on, for at least 12 generations until one famous son and heir, recently come back from fighting a war of wars with his black kingdom neighbours, found that his beloved wife had died in childbirth and had given birth to a girl. This meant no longer would the great line of Alexander continue. Instead this disparaging father named his girl child Alexandra and so returned the dynasty of the women. This line of Alexandra’s continued until the great lineage died out and the kingdoms – the Great Black Kingdome, the Great White Kingdome of the Giants, and the Kingdome of Alexandra’s died and became little less than ghost towns and only the scant remains of bricks and mortar remained to tell the tale of the one who lived to tell the tale of the one who got away…

Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to my new Reflexions

Well today is the first day of these pages. I am very excited to be sharing this with everyone. My most recent Reflexions are those which are bothering me. Mostly because I think I know where they are from, then I don't and I am finding it difficult to really hone in on exactly where all of these are taking place.
It all started quite a few years ago when I first began to have dreams of my mother and I deciding to meet up some place, then in these dreams we would invariably 'lose' each other and my surprising panic attacks which would take me to places unknown would ensue.
The strange thing is that my mother is only a phone call away from me in real life and I talk to her often, email, Skype, or face book. So it is not as though I really miss her being in another state. We are still quite close and know this. Yet in my dreams it seems that we are destined to never find each other.
Shopping centres are there, suburbs of Sydney that seem familiar to me are there - She used to live in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney so it is a surprise that I cannot quite find the exact places that are showing up in my dreams. I have ventured out to drive around the area and actually found one of the houses which 'features' in my dream only to realise that this house was only three years young, and it was back to front. That is the garage was in the front of the house, where as in my dream it is in the back of the house. Given its location, it seems to be absurdly in the 'general' area or vicinity of the location where it 'should be' however, it is still a little out of sorts when I overlap my memory to its location. Still, it is opposite the park in which I found a tree over which is a treasure map. My spiritual friends found the map for me, which gave me the relieved courage to continue to pursue the meaning of this dream.
That was over 10 years ago now. I am still having these recurring dreams (which are sometimes nearly night mares with the panic that I am feeling at not being able to find her) and know that one day I shall have to drive around these areas with her in the car in the hope that we can together find the meanings of the places I am seeing and the feelings I am experiencing.